So I have FreeNAS running samba shares on my network, for the most part I really don't need to access the data on my actually Linux boxes - only my HTPC.
But I decided I wanted to create mount point on the media folder of my Ubuntu install.
So here is what I had to do in fstab (/etc/fstab)
//freenas_server/sharename /media/localsharedirectory cifs credentials=/home/macleod/smb.credentials,uid=mountuser,gid=mountgroup,iocharset=utf8,codepage=cp437,auto 0 0
My credentials are stored in smb.credentials, like so:
And I got most of the information from here:
Obviously replace mountgroup, mountuser with your ubuntu username and group (group is probably the same as name). Also replace the appropriate shares and credentials - hopefully you get the picture.
I edited the fstab entry so I now define the iocharset and codepage, this is so foreign characters are displayed correctly in the filesystem, and applications. I noticed the issue due to having display issues in iSub and Subsonic.
The DOS Charset should be CP437 - CP850 is missing a few which I needed for foreign language music artists.
Anything useful I find and decide to write down in my geeky wanderings of the web. While some guides make reference to torrents please be aware that I do not conduct or condone illegal downloading, and I do not share the views of any external site I may link to. This site is merely for informational purposes. Any purchases made from clicks on links to products on this page may result in an affiliate commission for me. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases
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